Mission Statement

Improve the lives of women and children in local communities through education, health, economic empowerment and social amenities. To see Women live in safe, sustainable environments that include adequate food, water, housing, education and health care.

What is the vision

We envision a world without poverty in which women are empowered, uplifted and equal partners in society.

Who we are/about us

Founded in March 2009 but got officially registered 2022.
Earthsound center for social development is Women And Children Foundation, a Non-Profit, and Non-Partisan Organization working to promote women and children’s rights in Nigeria. It’s true women and children’s rights have been infringed on in many ways hence leaving many women being survivors of violence in their homes.

Violence Against Women is a global issue. It is fuelled by gender inequality, poverty, social norms and insecurity, and has devastating consequences all over the world. It’s everyone’s responsibility to fight against this bad vice.

Our programs and event 2022

1. Voters education

2. Girl child education

3. Awareness against human trafficking

4. Women empowerment

5. Support for motherless babies homes.

6. Christmas party for the homeless

6. Education for ophans.